Japan Society E-Library

International Military Tribunal for the Far East (also see Lawyers and judges)

Book: Biographical Portraits Volume II
Author: Blacker, Carmen

This portrait charts the dual interaction of Christmas Humphreys (1901-83) with Japan as a junior at the Military Tribunal for the Far East and as a devotee of Buddhism.

Book: Biographical Portraits Volume VI
Author: Cortazzi, Hugh

Shortly before his resignation as Prime Minister in 1954 Yoshida Shigeru visited Britain. This essay examines the political controversy surrounding Yoshida's visit, as well as the visit itself and an assessment of its success.

Book: Biographical Portraits Volume VIII
Author: Trotter, Ann

This essay details the role of William Patrick - Britain's appointed judge - in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1946-48, along with the problems faced by the Tribunal.
