Kuramatsu Tadashi
- Matsui KeishirÅ, 1868-1946: An Efficient Public Servant [London, 1925-28]
- A Great Ordinary Man: SaitÅ Makoto (1858-1936) and Anglo-Japanese Relations
Book: Japanese Envoys in Britain 1862-1964: A Century of Diplomatic Exchange
This essay recounts how Matsui KeishirÅ (1868-1946) was involved at numerous important turning points in the history of Japanese external relations as both Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, one of the chief delegates at the Paris Peace Conference, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to Britain.
Book: Biographical Portraits Volume III
This paper focuses on Admiral Viscount SaitÅ Makoto's (1858-1936) early career when Japan was emerging as a modern state in the Meiji and TaishÅ periods under the major influence of Britain.