Hunter, Janet
- British Training for Japanese Engineers: The Case of Kikuchi KyÅzÅ (1859-1942)
- Maejima Hisoka, 1835-1919: Founder of Japan's Postal System
- Michio Morishima (1923-2004): An Economist Made in Japan
Book: Britain and Japan 1859-1991: Themes and Personalities
This chapter covers the development of technological education in early Meiji Japan, including a profile of the career of Kikuchi KyÅzÅ (1859-1942).
Book: Biographical Portraits Volume I
This essay considers the impact of Maejima Hisoka's (1835-1919) visit to Britain in the early 1870s, after which he founded Japan's postal service.
Book: Biographical Portraits Volume IX
Michio Morishima (1923-2004) was one of Japan's few internationally renowned economists in the second half of the twentieth century. This portrait details his life and career both in and oustide of Japan, which he left due to dissatisfaction with the academic establishment.